Monday, 2 May 2011

getting old

damn i went out to watch Arsenal finally win a game yesterday, good result but i have to question the fact that om totally past it... i went out at 1pm had 3 pints then headed into the wonderful town of Worthing to watch the game had about 3 more pints a KFC and even a winning bet of £20 at 10/11 for Man City i decided to go home at about 6pm, so a five hour session with 6 pints....why the fuck did i wake up at 3am puking my guts out is really a mystery, and thats after i passed out at bout 7pm annoying the wife!!

playing footie next week in a works do, think im gonna show myself up, people remember me from 2002 when i could actually run...

poker going well - figs updated on the side, i actually have about 12 winning sessions in a row which is a good sign, $200 withdrawn in 2 days is also nice!

finally check out this blog post from Kevin Stephens, great to see a top top result like this - and the journey is only half way done!

all the best to him and anyone else who reads this blog!


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